As a fun family project for the end of the year, we created a family time capsule. It was a lot of fun to sit around and rehash the years activities and events, and we all had some input.
Creating the time capsule is quite simple and can be as complex or sparse as you want it to be. We used a box and added items to it. Each year I label a box (shoe box or whatever) with the year and stick it up in our office. As the year progresses I toss ticket stubs, hotel keys, brochures of places we go, random photos, funny quotes my daughter says,plane tickets, artwork and anything else I feel might be good to preserve. It's what I call my "lazy mommy's scrapbooking". So on New Years Eve we all sat around and pulled everything out of the box and talked about all the fun things we did.
Questions we asked each other and wrote the answers for our time capsule:
- Favorite song right now
- Best item bought/gifted this year
- People we like to hang out with
- Best holiday of the year
- Hobby
- Biggest news headlines of the year
- Proudest accomplishment this year
We added a dollar (money changes over time), a grocery store ad ( its fun to see the price of everyday items years from now) and some more photos. We decided that we will open the capsule in 10 years. Although my daughter enjoyed making it so much, that she wants to make another one and open it tomorrow. (I don't think that she quite grasps the pint of it all yet, hahha)
Remember this is yours, so keep it personal and try to capture a "moment in time".
Love and memories,
Kerry the Momster
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