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Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's a little bit of everything I suppose....

I received a wonderful text from my husband today (which is funny because he works upstairs), saying what a wonderful mother I am and all the lovely details that go with that. It was very sweet, and I was floating around on that bubble thinking, "yes, I think I am a good mother because, yes I really do take this job seriously! It's a big sense of responsibility that I have been blessed with, and I feel great joy (and of course hardship at times) in teaching and guiding my kiddies, and I am so great and wonderful ladida"...when about 5 minutes later I receive a phone call from my daughter's school, saying she was in the office and I needed to pick her up because it was early release day and she had been there waiting for half an hour. UUUGGGHHH!

 I fell right off that high horse, flew to the school and made my walk of shame to the office to pick up our "forgotten" children, making eyes and knowing smiles with the other moms who were apologizing to their children. I guess we are never all together... but it's nice for husband's to think so anyway! :)

 Love and little mishaps,
Kerry the Momster

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