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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Very Uncluttered Bug

If you are a re-occuring visitor of this blog, you will know how often I try to organize my numerous carefully collected possessions. If, however you are a re-occuring visitor in my home,you will know that I have a hard time keeping things organized.Try and try I might, but alas I am a visual person, and need things to be in front of me to be remembered, appreciated and used. But I have decided that enough has pole-vaulted way past the line of enough! This time I am getting serious, even going so far as to purchase a book (self help,gasp!) to guide me.
        After thumbing through many at the library, scouring my trusty Amazon reviews, and even trying to read a few, I have settled on my litter-lifeline, Unclutter Your Life in one Week (E. Doland). It might not really take a week, but I am willing to take as long as it takes. I am going to sort through, shuffle around and rework my processing habits until I am satisfied. I refuse to get stuck in this unclutter/reclutter cycle as Oprah has her weight loss/ weight gain cycle! I am looking for some un-clutter buddies who are looking to join me in this process. So please comment, or email me and let me know your progress.

    My second step, to help jumpstart the process, is to not get sucked into this purchasing machine this holiday season. Every year I participate in Buy Nothing Day( the wonderful campaign started by Adbusters, to break the back of the Black Friday ridiculous spending habits). This year I am even more resolute in supporting this campaign as I feel that the holiday retail hours are not only ridiculous, but downright cruel to the employees. Sales starting at 4am or even midnight on Thanksgiving don't allow for those associates to spend time with their families, or much time to feel thankful for (or to even digest!) the holiday feast.

      So if you have someone you love who is in retail, or you just have common decency towards your fellow humans, join in this campaign and show those corporations who wears the pants! (Even if said pants were purchased at said corporations). It's easy to do: Don't buy Anything on Black Friday! (Nov 25th) The Worldwide Buy Nothing Day is Nov 26th, so everyone can join in!
Yaaay.Global anti-consumerism party!!

Love and live,
Kerry the Momster

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