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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Recently I posted about purchasing a new stroller. After careful, fine-tuned, consideration I settled on the First Years Wave. Yes, I'm a sucker for mod-gadget-clad-euro strollers, so the look of it was a big selling point. Here are my findings after using this stroller for a week with a 5 month old:

Recline: I wanted a stroller with full recline, and this one converts to a bassinet with no extra pieces. This was a huge pro for me.
Wheels: Easy to push, great maneuverability even over grass.
Shade: The sun canopy is huge and the stroller can VERY easily swivel around to change the direction baby is facing.
Appearance: High-tech and mod- baby will be envied and stroller admired.

Size: This stroller has gigantic wheels, and is also heavy.
No cup holders or trays: For baby or mom, and no other makes fit on the stroller.
Compactness: One has to take the seat off the base o pack it, and still when folded it is quite large.
Gimick-y: The overall feel of the stroller is sturdy, but the seat, with all its buckles and velcro seemed too gimick-y and finicky for me. The biggest problem is that it keeps getting stuck when it is open and leaves me sweating and frustrated trying to get it closed.

Overall impression: Item will be returned. ('Nuff said)

Love and breezy strolling,
Kerry the Momster

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